In this tutorial, we write an example to convert a tensor to numpy array with tensor.eval() function in tensorflow. You can follow our example code to learn how to do.
Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics is a wordpress traffic statistic plugin. In this tutorial, we introduce how to monitor our wordpress site traffic with it. You can track your site by following our steps.
tf.nn.top_k can help us to sort elements in tensor from largest to smallest. In this tutorial, we update example code in previous tutorial and add code for sorting a tensor from smallest to largest. You can practise by following our example code.
TensorFlow function tf.nn.top_k can help us to sort elements in tensor. In this page, we write an example on how to sort a tensor from largest to smallest. You can add more functionalities by editing our example.
In this tutorial, we write an example for computing SVD value with TensorFlow. You can exercise this example by update our example code. Meanwhile, you should know the dfference with computing SVD in Numpy.
In this tutorial, we write a numpy example to caculate Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of any matrix, you can learn and apply our example in your application by following our code.
In this tutorial, we introduce 2 steps to solve error: No module named pip.__main__, when you are running ./certbot-auto command, you can do by following our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we solve error: No module named pip.__main__; when you are running ./letsencrypt-auto renew command, then you can continue to use free ssl by Letsencrypt for your site.
WordPress Popular Posts is a very powerful popular posts display plugin in wordpress, in this tutorial, you can display popular posts without any coding by following our steps.
In this tutorial, we introduce some eye-tracking corpus (GECO, Mishra Corpus, Dundee and Provo Corpus, et al. ), these corpus is often used in nlp research. You can select and download the best one for your need.