Python Remove All Audio From Video File – Python Tutorial

By | May 29, 2023

Sometimes, we need remove all audio or voice from a video file, in this tutorial, we will introduce you how to do in python.

We will use python MoviePy package to implement it.

Here is an example:

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip

video_file = r"D:\test1.mp4"
videoclip = VideoFileClip(video_file)
new_clip = videoclip.without_audio()

Run this code, we will get a copy of test1.mp4, which is no audio.

python remove all audio from video

As to without_audio(), it will remove the clip’s audio.

    def without_audio(self):
        """Remove the clip's audio.

        Return a copy of the clip with audio set to None.

        """ = None