Tutorial Example

Understand Python float(‘inf’) or float(‘-inf’) with Examples – Python Tutorial

You may see float(“inf”) or float(“-inf”) in some python codes. What does it mean? In this tutorial, we will use some examples to help you understand it.

Python float(‘inf’)

float(“inf”) represents a positive infinite number.

x = float("inf")

Here x will be inf.

Python float(‘-inf’)

float(“-inf”) represents a negative infinite number.

x = float("-inf")

Here x is -inf

We should notice: float(“inf”) = – float(“-inf”)

x = -float("-inf") == float("inf")
print(x) # x = True

float(“inf”) operation

Here are some operations you should notice:

x = float("inf")
print(x + 1) # x = inf
print(x - 1) # x = inf
print(x * 1) # x = inf
print(x / 1) # x = inf

Here you can replace 1 with any scalar except 0 when calculating inf / 0.

x = float("inf")
print(x + x) # x = inf
print(x - x) # x = nan
print(x * x) # x = inf
print(x / x) # x = nan

From the result, we can find:

inf + inf = inf, however, inf-inf = nan

inf*inf=inf, however, inf/inf = nan

x = float("inf")

print(x > 0)
print(-x >0)

Run this code, we will get:


It means we can use inf for a condition to get some value we wanted.